Sunday, November 20, 2011

Cara responds: pumpkin spice cupcakes OR muffins

Well now Allison, I did indeed make the whole recipe, not because I needed 24 cupcakes around the house, but because I like to make my cupcakes extra large with more batter per cup and I planned to send along a dozen or so with my husband to give to his coworkers. I also froze some of the batter right in the muffin tin, to bake again a week later over my birthday weekend :)

So for my extra large cupcakes this made about 18. I misread the recipe though and added 1 entire can of pumpkin, instead of 1 cup (oops!). I ended up adding more flour to make up for the extra wet ingredient. I also subbed whole wheat flour for the all purpose flour, and milk with a splash of white vinegar for the buttermilk. 

I like frosting, and it was my birthday so I went for it. I only made about half the frosting of the recipe and it was PLENTY to go around. After frosting I sprinkled a little cinnamon on top to pretty them up. They were good! (Sorry, no photo, they were all eaten before I thought of it). Without the frosting I think they would be an excellent candidate for pumpkin spice muffins if you threw in some raisins for walnuts.

Yes, I use baking cups. I use the If You Care brand which seem to be environmentally friendly (no chlorine is used in the process). I also toss them into the compost bin after use, although I don't actually know if that is an effective way to dispose of them (?).

My muffin tin came from my grandmother in nearly pristine condition. I use the muffin cups mainly so I can keep it that way. But I also think its fun to peel the paper off to eat them!

Your friend,

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